You are wondering what the best way could be to keep a track of your car and house keys. Trust me, you are not the only one. We all tend to be a lot more forgetful these days because of the stress that we are dealing with. You too have become quite absent-minded ever since you became a father. This happens to a lot of people when they go through a massive change in their lives. But it’s okay. You can still keep a track of your car and house keys if you follow a few tips given by your friendly Locksmith Services Los Angeles. The best part about these tips is that you do not have to work hard to remember them. Let’s begin already:

- Look For Easy Tracking Devices Online
The most practical way to keep a track of your house and car keys according to the leading Locksmith Near Los Angeles is to buy clever and discrete tracking devices on the internet. You should be able to find various options on Amazon and eBay. These are slim and can be placed on the keyring that you tend to lose frequently. Some of them have a lot of great features but then they cost you a little more. These are nifty gadgets that can be attached to practically everything you tend to lose more frequently. You can keep a track of these items using a smartphone app. For example, you can use these trackers on your jewelry boxes, data cables, power banks, small chargers, pen drives, MP3 players, sunglasses, and of course your house and vehicle keys. You can also command Alexa to locate these devices if you link them with your home assistant.
- Look For Stylish Key Finders
These are specifically designed to be placed on your keys. They nearly have 10 or 15 color options for you to choose from. They look very stylish and they do not interrupt the signal of your key fob as well if you are using them to find your car keys. They have a range of 15 m on average and some of them have an even wider range which is again going to cost you a little more. The brand and technology you choose are also going to dictate the price that you have to pay for these key finders. They run on a very tiny battery which you can replace just by getting them to your nearest hardware store.
- Use Something Shiny Or Glowing
This is another way to make your house and car keys stand out and your Emergency Locksmiths Los Angeles is also going to suggest you this. The biggest advantage of using this method is that it is very cost-effective and you do not have to wait for the expensive key tracker to arrive. You can either look for something that glows in the dark or is preferably highly reflective. These do not need any battery or any kind of charge to function. You will be able to spot your keys even when they are lying in the middle of a pile of cushions and pillows. When there is dark, it will become very easy for you to locate your keys and just be on your way as you are supposed to.
- Invest In Big Bold Statements Of Keyrings
Size does matter after all, especially when you are trying to prevent yourself from losing your house and car keys. Several Car Key Making Los Angeles professionals in your neighborhood are going to suggest you buy these beautiful, exquisitely designed, and colorful key rings for your house and vehicle. Contrary to popular belief, these keyrings are not going to weigh down heavily either on your door locks or your ignition cylinder. The best part is they give you a chance to make a style statement. All the while you have this at the back of your mind that you will never end up losing your keys from now on.

Final Thoughts
Now, these were some very interesting and practical tips to help you prevent losing or misplacing your house and car keys from the leading car and Residential Locksmith Los Angeles. Do try them out and see how your life changes for the better.